An Early Morning Love Story

He said the first thing he wanted to do that day was,”To Marry Her!”

This lead to a VERY early wedding. Thanks to EmilyJoanne Photography getting there at 5:30am not one detail of this Amazing day was missed!

Blue Plate Catering

Gourmet doughnuts by “Rebel Doughnuts” 
Breakfast buffet of doughnuts, fruit and quiche

Coffee station, a must for any 7:30am wedding!
Bag of local New Mexico Pinon Coffee for each guest!
Everyone needs their own fresh bottle of milk with a doughnut. 

The Flowers
 The Flower Shop at Nob Hill

Antique overlays on each table with natural arrangements in mason jars
The vibrant colors of the flowers on the arbor were amazing!

Natural wood chairs carried out the natural look

The flowers were perfect all the way to the handmade headpiece

Downtown Historic Bed and Breakfast

Preparing to walk down the isle
Beautiful Jazz music by “Roman Street”

Praying with the Groom as he enters this next part of his life
The Brides support team
He read his own personal vows to her.
She then poured out her heart to him with her vows.

Such sweet love and affection poured out by all who witnessed and stood with this sweet couple.

All the details organized by:     

Just Lovely Wedding and Event Planning

You are mine, I am yours!

Goal accomplished, “The first thing I did this morning was, Marry Her!”
It is official, We are married!

                                                                                                        Taking a break with milk & doughnuts

A dip and a kiss for you.

What an beautiful group of people supporting this couple.

A trolley ride by Albuquerque Trolley to top the morning off
Thank you Albuquerque Trolley for such an awesome ride

A lady’s imagination is very rapid; it jumps from admiration to love, from love to matrimony in a moment.”

Jane Austen,

Pride and Prejudice

What a lucky man that her mind worked that way for him!!

Steve & Kara Grant
Downtown Historic Bed & Breakfasts of Albuquerque
your Albuquerque New Mexico Bed and Breakfast Hosts

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